Thursday, January 8, 2015

Lanolin Ägg Tvål - winner of Cosmo Beauty Award 2014.

Lanolin Ägg Tvål vann första pris i kategorin "Best Pore & Oil Control" i Asiatiska Cosmo Beauty Awards 2014!! 13 700 personer deltog i omröstningen tillsammans med en jury bestående av skönhetsredaktörer från South Korea, Kina, Hong Kong och Taiwan. Hurra för vår Ägg Tvål!!

Lanolin Egg Soap won first prize in the category "Best Pore & Oil Control" in the Asian Cosmo Beauty Awards 2014 !! 13,700 people took part in the vote along with a jury of Beauty Editors from South Korea, China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Hooray for our Egg Soap!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I live in Paris and I'd like to buy Lanolin Egg Soap. Is there any eshops that ship in France ?
